
Wholistic Hands is conveniently located at 13 Hillsboro Street, #3, Pittsboro, North Carolina, 27312.

When coming to the studio, drive into Pittsboro on US64 Business or US 15/501 until you get to the traffic circle around the Courthouse right in the middle of town.   Park in front of the old Blair Hotel building on the northwest side of the circle.   It's the brick building that has the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association and C. A. Sullivan Musical Instruments and Accessories on the ground floor facing the parking spaces.   Go up the black iron staircase on the south side of the building next to West Street (aka US64 business west  - the side of the building that faces the General Store Cafe) to the second floor.   We are the first office on the left in the main hallway.   Number Three.


All services provided by Wholistic Hands require an advance appointment. Appointments may be made by calling Cabell at 919-906-6294 or by emailing cabell@wholistichands.com